Monday, October 14, 2013

LIRR LGA Line Concept

By Kevin / 10/14/2013 / Long Island, NY
Photo Edited 04/08/2015. (Unfortunately wikipedia deleted the linked photo). 

<Representation of the Proposal>
Note: An updated separate article will be posted because the policy for blog updates must be within 3 months or 90 days. This exceeds 3 months or 90 days.

I have thought for a long while on how to improve LaGuardia Airport access. There are proposals ranging from the (N)/(Q) - Which will become future reactivated (W) to LGA, (7)/(11) - as an alternative designation to LGA or AirTrain, even a Select Bus Service like the Bx12 or M15. However, these are using existing lines which are often clogged and congested, and there are no additional capacity. I have discussed with many for a long time and there is nothing new coming up and nothing innovative. 

Then I have thought about it, I have looked at the Map around the area and the obvious thing is the LIRR Port Washington Branch is close, in fact not too far away. I got inspired by the SEPTA Airport Line, I looked at that line and it goes from Center City Philadelphia to Philadelphia Int'l Airport. I looked at LIRR at it comes from Midtown Manhattan to Mets-Williets Point which it can spur under the (7) Line cross into Willets Point, round the shore of Flushing Bay, parallel Grand Central Parkway and enter LaGuardia Airport. It'll serve all terminals at LaGuardia Airport. This way, it'll not only offer an one seat ride to LaGuardia Airport, it would be better than JFK Airport and EWR Airport where you have to ride a Train and transfer to another train to access the airport, doesn't really make sense when you think about it.