Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Archives /// Op-Ed: Agreeing with Rob Astorino

Published on 04/30/2014 - 09:30AM. 
Opinion Editorial by Kevin Wang.

I wholeheartedly agree with Rob Astorino, there is nothing racist about it.

I myself is in the minority and I experienced racism toward me but this housing thing, it is not racist and never racist. I frankly think building Affordable Housing that targets the poor may not be the best. I understand there are people who wish to be in safer places, I understand. But, the problem is, if there are housing built in such areas, you may be moving away from a bad area, but the next thing you know, another person who is trouble is living right next door to you. As much as I wish to have fair and square zip codes across the NYC area and Suburban Counties, please legalize conceal carry with heavy background checks including identifying friend and family before putting affordable housing in my area in Queens. I have seen too many crazies and heard a rise in gun shots lately, this is apparently because these activists keep on playing class cards and race cards that the good areas are racist when it isn't and now these areas are inching closer to the ghetto. Folks in Jamaica is coming to Forest Hills to do their crime, Folks in East New York are going to Park Slope to do their crime, folks in Harlem go to Midtown to commit a crime. 

I understand you want equality, but this is not how to achieve it, nor pulling more money out of the rich would work because all you are doing is make more people loose jobs because the wealthier can't pay their workers enough, especially small/family businesses. And some of the mediums too. In fact the areas these criminals target are normally middle class areas where the richey rich folks actually don't live in, they think it is the 1% but there may be non 1%'er living here. The middle class is always on the bad end of the stick and typically criticized more because of their fears about crime that may happen which drains out money and makes donations less possible because these criminals drain up tax resources during prosecution and imprisonment and the money to replace stolen properties was going to donations. 

I frankly think the tax should be level and affordable housing should only be built with local voter approval and by local is the area covering .75 miles of where said housing is being built and for the wealthy aka 1%'er they should be asked by the government to donate a set amount to charity per tax year to make sure they don't have to pay a non-donation tax surcharge, and this should only be applicable to folks making $4.75 million or more because $250,000-$4.50 million earners can't do much because almost 1/3 of their income is going to taxes anyways so the remaining costs are for house care and hiring if other people, normally the needy, so the liberal idealism really needs a big fix because a community is a community and forcing something down it's throat and if they oppose, claiming it being racist and playing the class card and race card is another socialist idealism and forcing stuff down one's throat seems like something a Communist nation would do *cough*SovietRussia*cough* *cough*MaoZeDongChina*cough*. 

Keep in mind I am an Asian, even if I am black or Latino, I would say the exact same because I like to speak independently and neutrally but I couldn't because I seen stuff go downhill after these political agendas played out which should never have, especially Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson should be kept out of the arena because now crime is spread out, instead of being focused in isolated areas, and it would be a whole lotta trouble dealing with this, especially since I used to not feel the need for a concealed gun, but now I feel the need for one because of the proximity of gun shots heard in the night hours, I just don't feel safe anymore, as much as it saddens me to not have a more fair and square zip codes around the nation, I just can't tolerate it because some human are just not good regardless of class and race but, it is really unfortunate more of these violent folks are causing the rest of the poor, and sadly good blacks and latinos hardships. So instead of pushing affordable housing in areas the communities don't want it, how about making better schools in poorer areas? Better schools with better curriculum and extra-curricular activities would mean better people, however I would still vote no for these housing projects. Rather, open up slots in the area schools to balance and diversify a school. It doesn't have to increase violence and crime in good areas to achieve better goals.


The Video I am agreeing on: